Shiatsu is a form of fully clothed body therapy from Japan. Traditional Chinese Medicine, one of Shiatsu’s main influences, views the body’s energy (or chi) as flowing in a series of streams or channels to nourish the organs and the body and maintain health. Along each channel are certain pressure points, which are also used by acupuncturists. Shiatsu is often described as acupuncture without needles.
Stress, emotional or physical, affects the smooth flow in the channels and causes excess or deficient chi in the system resulting in disease. Shiatsu aims to rebalance the person’s chi which brings about a healing response on all levels.
Literally translating as “finger pressure”, shiatsu involves comfortable pressure from the thumbs and palms applied to points along the acupuncture channels encouraging the free flow of energy (or chi) and promoting health. Received through loose comfortable clothing, shiatsu may also include gentle stretches and rotations of limbs and joints. Shiatsu can be dispersing and invigorating or calming and supportive, all treatments are different and each is specifically tailored to clients needs
Benefits of Shiatsu
Calms & relaxes body & mind -Relieves aches and pain in muscles & joints – back, neck, knee etc -Helps sleep digestion & headache -Eases depression, anxiety & stress -Boosts energy levels & immunity -Promotes quicker recovery from injury or operation -Improves posture & body awareness aiding sports performance
Having a Treatment The average session lasts one hour. At the initial consultation the shiatsu practitioner will take a detailed case history and use a variety of techniques to determine which energy channels in the body are blocked or low in energy. Shiatsu is traditionally received on a futon on the floor, but can also be adapted to any position subject to each client’s needs. Treatment is best carried out through loose, warm, comfortable clothing, preferably made from natural fibres, e.g. cotton sweatshirt, jogging pants, cotton socks.
Your shiatsu practitioner may give you gentle stretches & exercise to practice as well as dietary advice to help your condition.