About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern Medical practice originating in China. It is considered one of the four pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM along with herbal medicine, tui na (bodywork), and qi qong (energy work). The theories behind TCM recognise the importance of the whole person including physical, mental and spiritual aspects. This means symptoms are never seen in isolation and so a practitioner builds a picture of their client including all facets of their life. Treatment focuses on returning to health by supporting the body’s ability to naturally heal itself.
Having a treatment
At your first session you will be asked about all aspects of your health, diet and lifestyle. This review is quite comprehensive and usually takes 15-20mins, Your acupuncturist will take your pulse, look at your tongue and palpate painful areas to assess them when nessecary.
You will then be left to get ready for your treatment and to remove clothing from the areas to be needled. Often the lower arms and legs need to be exposed as points here are commonly used for many conditions.
Your acupuncturist will then wipe the areas to be needled with an sterilising swab and begin needling.